Thursday, 3 December 2009

Today i came into college, even if i didn't have to be there. I'm trying to get some of my work done for Web Design, and im making an Online Newsletter at the mo. If i get this finished i should be able to get a Thursday off -[Fingers Crossed i pass my Web Design assessment too] so if that's the case then no more Thursdays for the next short while. Heres what Ive done so far:


  1. You have produced some really good stuff recently. Your digital media skills are improving nicely. Get your stuff up on the blog and show them off


    You require to place up the content from your final project on the blog and evaluate your work and that of the rest of the team. You have one of the most interesting blogs in the class with many interesting EXTRAs. You have learned a great deal about Digital Media within the project and have worked well within your team. You have good employability skills: ie good time keeping and attendance, good oral and written communication skills.

    Overall: Very well done.
