Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Today i played about with some Photo shop stuff, eventually creating this!!!!

Ive got another poster on the way for the Media Space Gallery in January 2010, but i haven't had time to finish and upload that yet. Should have it uploaded on Friday when i have Digital Media. I also made a small animation, which im not sure on how to upload to blogger but im gonna try.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Today i tried some flash animation, but the frame wouldn't stay the same, so the thing was moving about alot. im goanna have to start again on Monday, so im not exactly happy about that but not too bothered because it shouldn't take too long.

Monday, 2 November 2009

I mad e amsall cartoon strip today on toondo. The picture, for some reason, wont upload properly so what im goanna do is try again at home and see if that works. if not, start again and try a different file type. I might even go for a different story, so keep an eye out for that.